Along with our partners, ODI develops and shares tools to support the homeless emergency response system, its clients and its staff. Search our comprehensive database, which can be filtered by audience, region, and topic.
Building community in supportive housing is essential to helping tenants turn their units into homes where they can thrive. Join us for a special free webinar with trainer Amiyoko Shabazz, CSH Speak Up! Advocate and tenant in supportive housing to learn strategies to work collaboratively with tenants to build community in your program and connect with the larger community.
- Initiative Opening Doors
- Topic Supportive Housing
- Audience Community Organizations
- Media Video
States are increasingly using resources from the Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) provided by Medicaid to fund services in supportive housing. HCBS allows individuals to remain at home as they age. This webinar will describe the program's structure and how you can find the funding for tenancy support services in your state's HCBS program. In addition, presenters will share guidance on building partnerships with the HCBS sector at the individual, program, and systems levels.
- Initiative Opening Doors
- Topic Supportive Housing; Capacity Building
- Audience Community Organizations
- Media Webinar
This short, self-paced course provides an introduction to strategies to engage older adults in supportive housing. The course will explore the impact of isolation and loneliness on the health and well-being of older adults and how effective engagement strategies can help reduce the impact of isolation and loneliness.
- Initiative Opening Doors
- Topic Older Adults; Supportive Housing; Health
- Audience Community Organizations
- Media Website
- Region USA
This course provides practical tips and strategies to enable supportive housing tenants to age in place in supportive housing programs. As tenants age, their needs change. Adaptions and accommodations may be necessary to enable them to continue to live independently in housing. Trainers will explore how supportive housing providers can take a proactive role in planning to meet the changing needs of tenants as they age. Approaches to case management, the importance of building community-based partnerships and connections as well as methods to promote housing stability will be discussed.
- Initiative Opening Doors
- Topic Older Adults; Supportive Housing; Health
- Audience Community Organizations
- Media Website
- Region USA
- Initiative Opening Doors
- Topic Supportive Housing; Substance Abuse
- Audience Community Organizations
- Media Video
- Region CT
This webinar focused on increasing access to supportive housing as an option for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. This webinar highlighted examples of state efforts to address and dismantle barriers, resulting in increased access to quality, safe, affordable, and supportive housing.
- Initiative Opening Doors
- Topic Supportive Housing; Accessibility
- Audience Community Organizations
- Media Video
- Region USA
The success of supportive housing depends partly on the availability of high-quality services and supports to help people access, transition to, and sustain their tenancy in housing. This webinar will offer practical information about key federal resources available through Medicaid and SAMHSA that can be used to pay for many of these supportive housing services. Presenters will discuss tips for identifying available funding and strategies for partnerships to secure Medicaid and SAMHSA funding.
- Initiative Opening Doors
- Topic Supportive Housing; Health
- Audience Community Organizations
- Media Video
- Region USA
- Initiative Opening Doors
- Topic Shared Housing; Rapid Rehousing; Supportive Housing
- Audience Community Organizations
- Media Video
- Region USA
This self-paced training is designed to explain the high standards and certification process CSH has established to identify the best, most-effective supportive housing in the country.
- Initiative Opening Doors
- Topic Supportive Housing
- Audience Community Organizations
- Media Webinar
- Region USA
This recorded webinar discusses Moving On (sometimes called “Moving Up”) initiatives that further advance supportive housing as a platform for tenant success by empowering tenants who no longer need or want to live in supportive housing.
- Initiative Opening Doors
- Topic Supportive Housing; Housing Affordability
- Audience Community Organizations
- Media Webinar
- Region USA
This self-paced training is for supportive housing service providers. This course provides practical guidance and best practices for conducting home visits with families and individuals living in supportive housing.
- Initiative Opening Doors
- Topic Supportive Housing; Case Management
- Audience Community Organizations
- Media Webinar
- Region USA
DMHAS Training for Supportive Housing Supervisory Staff
- Initiative Opening Doors
- Topic Supportive Housing; Substance Abuse
- Audience Community Organizations
- Media Video
- Region CT
Presentation includes: Guide Overview, New & Notable Requirements - for all PSH and for Non-DMHAS only, Resources, Q & A
- Initiative Opening Doors
- Topic Supportive Housing
- Audience Community Organizations
- Media Video
- Region CT
This recording discusses what moving on is, the CT moving on initiative, the creation of a moving on culture, implementation strategies, challenges and supportive resources.
- Initiative Opening Doors
- Topic Supportive Housing
- Audience Community Organizations
- Media Video
- Region CT
This recorded webinar is designed to convey how community-wide targeting and identification of vulnerable people and also an emphasis on convenience, cooperation and collaboration in the delivery of services can end chronic homelessness.
- Initiative Opening Doors
- Topic Supportive Housing; Community Organizing; Homelessness
- Audience Community Organizations
- Media Webinar
- Initiative Opening Doors
- Topic Supportive Housing
- Media Video
- Region CT
This recorded webinar is designed to share best practices for preventing evictions from single site supportive housing and provides an overview of the importance of housing stability and common risks for instability.
- Initiative Opening Doors
- Topic Supportive Housing
- Audience Community Organizations
- Media Webinar
- Region USA
This self-paced training discusses the Olmstead Decision, defines quality supportive housing, and describes the different models of integrated supportive housing.
- Initiative Opening Doors
- Topic Supportive Housing
- Audience Community Organizations; Residents
- Media Website
- Region USA
Throughout the course, you will have the opportunity to react to scenarios and case studies, explore sample conversation starters, and reflect on the information provided to identify key takeaways that you will use in your practice.
- Initiative Opening Doors
- Topic Supportive Housing; Outreach; Education
- Audience Residents
- Media Website
- Region USA
This recorded webinar will help you adopt a low-barrier approach to permanent supportive housing and rapid re-housing. We review how to assess your current coordinated assessment processes as well as individual program applications for criteria that screen out rather than in.
- Initiative Opening Doors
- Topic Supportive Housing; Rapid Rehousing
- Audience Community Organizations; Officials
- Media Webinar
- Region USA
This self-paced training is the first part of our supportive housing onboarding series. This short self-paced module introduces supportive housing models, approaches, and components of quality supportive housing.
- Initiative Opening Doors
- Topic Supportive Housing
- Audience Community Organizations; Officials; Residents
- Media Webinar
- Region USA
This is the second part of a three-part Learning Community Series on Supportive Housing Models that Work. Hear from subject matter experts and a community provider about evidence-based practice interventions used to successfully engage individuals in accessing and sustaining housing, improve health, wellness, and recovery, and how to support staff in utilization of these interventions.
- Initiative Opening Doors
- Topic Supportive Housing; Health
- Audience Community Organizations
- Media Webinar
- Region USA
This is the first part of a three-part Learning Community Series on Supportive Housing Models that Work. Hear from subject matter experts and a community provider about the range of supportive housing and recovery housing models and practices that assist individuals in accessing and sustaining housing and promoting improved health, wellness, and recovery.
- Initiative Opening Doors
- Topic Supportive Housing
- Audience Community Organizations
- Media Webinar
- Region USA
This is the third part of a three-part Learning Community Series on Supportive Housing Models that Work. Hear from subject matter experts and a community provider on strategies for ensuring promotion of racial equity in supportive and/or recovery housing programs.
- Initiative Opening Doors
- Topic Supportive Housing; DEIB
- Audience Community Organizations
- Media Webinar
- Region USA
- Initiative Opening Doors
- Topic Supportive Housing
- Audience Community Organizations
- Media Video
- Region CT
- Initiative Opening Doors
- Topic Supportive Housing; Health; Case Management
- Audience Community Organizations
- Media Video
- Region CT
- Initiative Opening Doors
- Topic Supportive Housing; Case Management
- Audience Community Organizations
- Media Video
- Region CT
This training provides an understanding of how to create structures and systems that recognize the traumas that exist and that prioritize the wellness of young people and program staff.
- Initiative Opening Doors
- Topic Supportive Housing; Youth; Health
- Audience Community Organizations
- Media Webinar
- Region USA
This asynchronous Mandated Reporter Training course is designed to provide the most updated information regarding the accurate and prompt identification and reporting of child abuse and neglect. Legal requirements and protections for mandated reporters are discussed in detail, as well as consequences for failing to report.
- Initiative Opening Doors
- Topic Supportive Housing; Youth
- Audience Community Organizations
- Media Video
- Region CT
This presentation includes: Guide Overview, New & Notable Requirements - for all PSH and for Non-DMHAS only, Resources, Q & A.
- Initiative Opening Doors
- Topic Supportive Housing
- Audience Community Organizations
- Media Video
- Region CT
Showing 30 resources