ODI Strategic Focus:
The work of ODI is built around the five major themes outlined in the federal Opening Doors strategic plan to end homelessness:
- developing leadership & greater collaboration in our sector
- increasing access to stable and affordable housing
- increasing economic security
- improving access to healthcare
- Retooling the homeless crisis response system.
These broad themes inform ODI’s place-based work, provide a consistent framework for regional collaboration grounded in national best practices, and strategically align Western CT’s regional homeless emergency response systems with critical public resources.
Measuring Success
Shared metrics established by federal legislation are used to measure ODI success and include: the reduction in length and time people are homeless; rate at which people return to homelessness; reduction in first time homelessness; and overall reduction of people who are homeless.
At the statewide level, metrics tracked for each region, including ODFC and ODI Northwest CT include increase in exits from the homeless emergency response system to permanent housing, increase in the percentage of households diverted from emergency shelter, and increases in income (both earned and unearned) per household within the system as priorities.