2023 FY NOFO
Opening Doors Fairfield County/CT503 Continuum of Care announces the posting of the Final CoC-Approved Consolidated Application & Priority Listing for the FY23 HUD CoC Program Competition (to be submitted by Thursday, September 28th, by 8pm).
The CoC Consolidated Application will be submitted to HUD via the e-snaps platform within the next 2 days and includes the following items linked below:
- Final CT503 FY23 CoC Approved Consolidated Application
- Final CT503 FY23 CoC Approved Consolidated Application Attachments
- Final CT503 FY23 CoC Approved Priority Listing
Any questions or comments related to the Final Approved Consolidated Application can be directed to
The CoC thanks all CoC members, project applicants, leadership, stakeholders and community members for your support throughout the FY23 HUD CoC Program NOFO season!
This is an important notice regarding the CT-503 FY 2023 CoC NOFO Competition.
Dear Opening Doors Fairfield County/CT-503 Continuum of Care grantees, members, and stakeholders:
This notice summarizes the list of renewal projects and new projects that have been accepted by the CoC and will be included in the ODFC/CT-503 CoC FY 2023 Project Priority List for funding. This list also includes the list of projects being reduced, reallocated, or which were not selected for submission. Additionally, you will find the document summarizing the final ranking and tiering of projects for the CT-503 CoC FY 2023 CoC Application and Project Priority Listing here: (
The process used by the CoC to develop this list is described in the Opening Doors of Fairfield County/CT-503 Continuum of Care (CoC) FY2023 Project Evaluation, Reallocation, Selection and Ranking Policies for the CoC Program Competition,” posted to the CoC’s website ( and available here: (
This final list of projects being accepted, rejected or reduced (along with the funding amounts, project scores, and ranking) for the CT-503 CoC’s FY23 CoC application submission was recommended by the Funding Oversight Committee on 09/07/2023 and approved by the Non-Conflicted Members of the ODFC Coordinating Council on 09/12/2023.
As part of the decision-making process, the Funding Oversight Committee reviewed various ranking and tiering scenarios, deliberated over the course of several meetings, and ultimately recommended the adopted ranking/tiering as it aligns with the CoC’s policies, strategies, and priorities. The ranking/tiering presented below provides the CoC with an opportunity to safeguard renewal projects essential to the operations of the CoC, particularly in areas that are under-resourced, and provide critical support for the CoC’s Coordinated Access Network. The Funding Oversight Committee's recommendation was provided to the Non-Conflicted Members of the ODFC Coordinating Council for further review and final approval.
For more information about the formula regarding scoring of Tier 2 projects, see pages 26-27 of the Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) for Fiscal Year (FY) 2023 Continuum of Care Competition and Renewal or Replacement of Youth Homeless Demonstration Program Grants (FR-6700-N-25) (
Renewal Projects
The following renewal projects have been accepted by the CoC and will be ranked on the Renewal Priority Listing submitted to HUD. Each of these projects will be submitted at the full Annual Renewal Amount, as indicated on the CoC’s 2023 Grant Inventory Worksheet (listed with Priority List Rank Applicant Name, Project Name, Project Budget, Project Score):
- Rank 1: Emerge, Inc., CT0244 Emerge 1, Budget: $48,391, Score: 99.5%
- Rank 2: Pacific House Inc., CT0096 Berkeley House FY 23-24 Consolidation, Budget: $234,239, Score: 95.2%
- Rank 3: Inspirica, Inc., CT0166 Rose Park Apartments Consolidated FY 23, Budget: $72,646, Score: 95.1%
- Rank 4: Operation Hope of Fairfield, Inc. , CT0047 Hope Supportive Housing, Budget: $183,604, Score: 90.6%
- Rank 5: Alpha Home Inc, CT0239 - Jessica Tandy Apartments, Budget: $133,756, Score: 90.0%
- Rank 6: Pacific House Inc., CT0101 Consolidated Partners 2/3 FY 23-24 , Budget: $169,330, Score: 89.5%
- Rank 7: Family and Children's Agency, CT0254 PSH Renewal FCA, Budget: $419,496, Score: 86.9%
- Rank 8: Connecticut Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services, CT0104 Stamford Atlantic Apartments & Colony Apts, Budget: $500,309, Score: 86.4%
- Rank: 9, SVMC Holdings, Inc- d/b/a St. Vincent's Medical Center, CT0041_SVMC_Bridgeport SHP_2023 (CT0041L1E032215), Budget: $1,123,819, Score: 83.7%
- Rank: 10, Connecticut Department of Housing, CT0336 DOH/CCADV/CT 503 2023 BONUS, Budget: $421,721, Score: 80.0%
- Rank: 11, Applied Behavioral Rehabilitation Institute, Inc., CT0050 Waldorf House Supportive Housing Program, Budget: $100,342, Score: 80.0%
- Rank: 12, Connecticut Department of Housing, CT0326 ODFC CCADV RRH, Budget: $1,641,760, Score: 79.5%
- Rank: 13, Mid Fairfield AIDS Project, Inc., CT0084 Ind Liv #1 and #2 consolidated 2023 CT0084L1E032216, Budget: $218,072, Score: 79.4%
- Rank: 14, Connecticut Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services, CT0328 Danbury Supportive Services Project, Budget: $232,704, Score: 71.2%
- Rank: 15, Connecticut Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services, CT0034 Bridgeport Crescent & Fairfield Apartments, Budget: $405,463, Score: 70.1%
- Rank: 16, SVMC Holdings, Inc- d/b/a St. Vincent's Medical Center, CT0083_SVMC_Norwalk SHP_2023 (CT0083L1E032215), Budget: $355,037, Score: 69.3%
- Rank: 17, Connecticut Department of Housing, CT0301 FY23 ODFC RRH Project, Budget: $1,822,619, Score: 68.3%
- Rank: 18, Connecticut Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services, CT0329 Danbury Rental Assistance 2, Budget: $1,197,129, Score: 67.6%
- Rank: 20, Connecticut Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services, CT0285 ODFC Combined Renewal Expansion 2023 Bonus Project, Budget: $2,301,402, Score: 65.3%
- Rank: 21, The Housing Collective, Inc., CT0082 - CT-503 HMIS FY 2023, Budget: $163,791, Score: Not Scored (HMIS renewal, CoC infrastructure, non-competitive)
- Rank: 22, Connecticut Department of Housing, CT0288 ODFC CAN-SSO, Budget: $518,006, Score: Not Scored (SSO-CE renewal, CoC infrastructure, non-competitive)
- Rank: 23, The Housing Collective, Inc., CT0349 HC/HACD FY23 Housing and Services, Budget: $518,600, Score: Not Scored (first-time renewal)
- Rank: 24, The Housing Collective, Inc., CT0370 FY23 PH Voucher Program (Housing Collective), Budget: $400,000, Score: Not Scored (first-time renewal)
- Rank: 25, The Housing Collective, Inc., CT0371 FY23 FC RRH (Housing Collective), Budget: $49,330, Score: Not Scored (first-time renewal)
- Rank: 26, The Housing Collective, Inc., CT0373 FY23 CT503 HMIS (Housing Collective), Budget: $150,000, Score: Not Scored (HMIS renewal, CoC infrastructure, non-competitive, first-time renewal)
- Rank: 27, Connecticut Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services, CT0374 ODFC High Service Need PSH (62+), Budget: $179,944, Score: Not Scored (first-time renewal)
- Rank: 28, Connecticut Department of Housing, CT0375 FY2023 CCADV SSO-CE, Budget: $30,000, Score: Not Scored (first-time renewal)
- Rank: 30, Connecticut Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services, CT0035 Fairfield County Rental Assistance, Budget: $2,644,722, Score: 68.0%
- Rank: 34, The Connection, Inc, CT0048 Supportive Housing Fairfield County, Budget: $165,608, Score: 69.1%
The following renewal projects have been accepted by the CoC and will be included and ranked on the Renewal Priority Listing submitted to HUD for an amount less than the Annual Renewal Amount indicated on the 2023 Grant Inventory Worksheet (partial reallocation):
- Rank: 19, Operation Hope of Fairfield, Inc., CT0325 PSH Reallocation Seaview Hope 4, Budget: $243,268, Reallocation Amount: $139,002, Score: 67.1%,
The following renewal project voluntarily opted to fully reallocate their project. This project will not be included/ ranked on the Renewal Priority Listing submitted to HUD:
- Rank: N/A, Inspirica, Inc., CT0099 Family Transitional Living Program FY 22, Budget: $235,737, Reallocation Amount: $235,737, Score: N/A
The following projects are funded through the Youth Homelessness Demonstration Program (YHDP) Round 3. These projects are considered by HUD to be non-competitive and not required to be scored/ranked. These projects will be included on the YHDP Renewal Priority Listing submitted to HUD at the full Annual Renewal Amount, as indicated on the CoC’s 2023 Grant Inventory Worksheet:
- Rank: N/A, The Housing Collective, Inc., CT0341 FY23 YHDP RRH Project (HC), Budget: $1,022,176, Score: Not Scored (YHDP non-competitive)
- Rank: N/A, The Housing Collective, Inc., CT0342 FY23 YHDP SSO CE Project (HC), Budget: $536,962, Score: Not Scored (YHDP non-competitive)
The CoC had a total of $1,300,529 in CoC Bonus funds and $374,739 in reallocated funds for new projects. The CoC had $548,628 in DV Bonus funds for new DV-serving projects.
The following new projects have been accepted for inclusion on the New Project Priority List for CoC Bonus and/or reallocated funding and will be ranked on the CoC’s New Project Priority List (listed with Rank, Applicant Name, Project Name, Budget Request, Budget Approved, Project Score):
- Rank: 29, The Housing Collective, Inc., FY23 FC CAN SSO-CE Project, Budget Request: $336,000, Budget Approved: $416,000, Score: Not Scored (submitted with prior CoC approval as needed CoC infrastructure for the Fairfield County Coordinated Access Network)
- Rank: 31, Inspirica, Inc., Inspire House FY2023, Budget Request: $235,737, Budget: $235,737, Score: 86.7%
- Rank: 32, New Reach, Inc., New Reach RRH ODFC FY23, Budget Request: $365,616, Budget Approved: $365,616, Score: 89.0%
- Rank: 33, Pacific House, Inc., Pacific House - Stamford PSH Support Services, Budget Request: $526,851, Budget Approved: $202,915, Score: 97.8%
- Rank: 35, Alpha Home Inc, Hernan's Haven for Youth, Budget Request: $191,262, Budget Approved: $130,000, Score: 93.4%
- Rank: 36, Alpha Home Inc, 810 Boston Avenue Apartments, Budget Request: $207,675, Budget Approved: $120,000, Score: 93.4%
- Rank: 37, Alpha Home Inc, Clinton Avenue Apartments, Budget Request: $182,086, Budget Approved: $120,000, Score: 93.4%
- Rank: 38, The Housing Collective, Inc., CT0370 FY23 PH Voucher Program (Housing Collective) Expansion, Budget Request: $84,500, Budget Approved: $85,000, Score: 88.1%
The following new projects have been accepted for inclusion on the Project Priority List for DV Bonus funding (listed with Rank, Applicant Name, Project Name, Budget Requested, Budget Approved, Project Score [not applicable on DV Bonus new project applications as there were no responses to RFP]):
- Rank: 39, Connecticut Department of Housing, CT0336 DOH/CCADV/CT 503 2023 BONUS Expansion, Budget Requested: N/A, Budget Approved: $464,760, Score: Not Scored (submitted by CoC request)
- Rank: 40, Connecticut Department of Housing, CT0326 ODFC CCADV RRH Expansion, Budget Requested: N/A, Budget Approved: $83,868, Score: Not Scored (submitted by CoC request)
The following organizations submitted preliminary new project applications to the CoC but were not selected for funding. These projects will not be ranked on the priority list.
- Center for Human Development, Inc., New Project Application - PSH, Budget Request: $83,948, Budget Approved: $0, Score: 68.5%
- Family Centers, Inc., Housing Supportive Services, Budget Request: $156,566, Budget Approved: $0, Score: 68.8%
The CoC’s Planning project is awarded on a non-competitive basis and is therefore not scored or required to be ranked. The following project has been accepted for inclusion on the Project Priority List for CoC Planning:
- Rank: N/A, The Housing Collective, Inc., The Housing Collective, Budget: $928,949, Score: Not Scored (CoC Planning)
Questions can be directed to Please be aware that due to the impending CoC NOFO application submission deadline, responses to questions may be delayed.
Thank you for your participation in the ODFC/CT-503 CoC and your ongoing commitment and efforts to end homelessness.
Final Renewal Project Evaluation Outcomes and Scoring Results Posted
As part of the ODFC/CT-503 CoC’s local competition for CoC program funds, all CoC-funded renewal projects that have been in operation for at least one year are to be evaluated and scored pursuant to the "2023 ODFC / CT-503 CoC Renewal Project Evaluation and Scoring Standards" linked here:
As such the following steps have been taken by the CoC:
- The FY2023 ODFC / CT-503 CoC Renewal Project Evaluation and Scoring Standards were recommended by ODFC Funding Oversight Committee on 05/10/2023 & approved by the Non-Conflicted Members of the ODFC Coordinating Council on 05/19/2023.
- On 5/25/23, the CoC launched the renewal project scoring process and requested all CoC-funded renewal project applicants submit materials to the CoC for review and evaluation by 6/21/23.
- The CoC worked on evaluating projects and released Preliminary Outcomes and Scores on 8/10/23. Agencies were given until 8/15/23 to submit appeals of preliminary results.
- The ODFC Funding Oversight Committee met to review all appeals that were submitted and make recommendations regarding their approval/denial on 8/16/23 and 8/21/23.
- Appeal recommendations were worked into a final performance and scoring outcomes report that was reviewed by and recommended by Funding Oversight for approval on 9/7/23.
- All appeals, appeal recommendations and final performance and scoring outcomes results were shared with the Non-Conflicted Members of the ODFC Coordinating Council for review and were approved on 9/12/23.
- Decisions regarding appeals were communicated individually to each of the grantees that submitted appeals.
With these steps taken, the CoC is able to publicly post the FY2023 final performance and scoring reports for ODFC/CT-503 CoC-funded renewal projects, linked here:
Additionally, individual project reports reflecting the final scores will also be sent to each agency.
As stated in the CoC’s adopted policies and procedures regarding 2023 renewal project scoring, the final scores were used to assist in the ranking of renewal projects for the CT-503 CoC FY 2023 Priority List.
Questions can be directed to
This is an ODFC Funding opportunity. All RFP responses are due on August 25, 2023
This Preliminary Application has been released by Opening Doors of Fairfield County (ODFC)/CT-503 to solicit proposals for the provision of new projects.
ODFC competes annually with communities nationally to secure federal funds through the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) Continuum of Care (CoC) program in efforts to end homelessness. CT-503 is seeking project applications from organizations located in the ODFC jurisdiction for inclusion in the CoC’s FY 2023 application under the CoC bonus funding component associated with housing and service projects to be submitted to HUD. ODFC/CT 503 is eligible to apply for
$1,336,646 (Regular CoC Bonus) and $548,628 (Domestic Violence CoC Bonus) funds under the CoC’s FY 2023 application.
ODFC/CT-503 plans to apply for funding under the FY 2023 Continuum of Care Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) to create new programming within the jurisdiction that includes four sub-regions: greater Bridgeport, greater Norwalk and Stamford-Greenwich and greater Danbury. This jurisdiction is comprised by the following cities and towns: Bridgeport, Brookfield, Danbury, Easton, Fairfield, Greenwich, Monroe, Newtown, New Canaan, New Fairfield, Norwalk, Redding, Ridgefield, Sherman, Stamford, Stratford, Trumbull, Weston, Westport, and Wilton.
ODFC/CT-503 encourages responses from applicants that have not previously received CoC funds as well as from applicants that are currently receiving or have received CoC funds in the past. ODFC/CT-503 technical assistance to ensure that the process is accessible to all eligible applicants, including those who are new and unfamiliar with HUD CoC operations.
All responses to this funding opportunity are due on August 25, 2023 by 5:00 PM.
All responses should be submitted to
All pre-application documents are linked below:
We are following up to provide a few pieces of additional information related to completion of the renewal project applications in e-snaps:
- HUD has yet to provide the Navigational Guides for e-snaps BUT the Renewal Project Detailed Instructions are now available here: Please be sure to reference these as you complete your renewal application in e-snaps.
- To access the most up to date instructions and guides, it appears that the best place to look right now is the CoC Competition page: - DMA's updated e-snaps tips sheets for 2023 is available here: If you are running into issues with e-snaps or need additional guidance, please reference these tips. There is some updated information about the VAWA Budget Line Item in the tips sheet as well. If you are having trouble after reviewing the tips sheet and HUD's e-snaps guides (linked within the attached tip sheet), please email us at for assistance.
- HUD has also provided these FAQs, which may be useful: - The Detailed Instructions now available indicate that HUD is accepting questions related to e-snaps through the email after all, so if you have an e-snaps issue, please use that email address for submitting questions directly to HUD.
Feel free to reach out to us at with e-snaps or renewal project application questions or issues that you are finding it difficult to resolve. (Please note that Lindsay is on vacation this week so please don't email her directly if you need e-snaps assistance.)
Dear CT-503/ODFC HUD CoC Program Grantee,
The FY 2023 CoC Program Funding Opportunity is now available in e-snaps. This means that agencies with renewal projects can begin to work on the renewal project application. Awards that HUD made under the CoC Program and YHDP are eligible for renewal with FY 2023 CoC Program funds if they are currently in operation and expire in CY 2024: the period from January 1, 2024 through December 31, 2024.
Agencies seeking to have renewal projects considered for FY2023 CoC Program funding MUST submit to the CT-503 CoC PDF(s) of each of your completed Renewal Project Application(s), exported from e-snaps, by 5:00PM on MONDAY, AUGUST 14, 2023. DO NOT SUBMIT THE APPLICATION ON ESNAPS (YET).
PDF applications should be submitted to the CoC via as follows: Please use the following naming convention for the application file: 2023 Renewal App – Agency Name – Project PIN (CT0000)Please include the agency name and the Project PINs for the projects being submitted in the email Subject Line. For ex: 2023 Renewal App – Agency Name – Project PIN, Project PINIf you need an extension, please email as soon as possible.
After you submit the renewal application for review: By September 5th: You will receive a project review form with required corrections. (You will likely receive your review sooner than this.) By September 12th or within 5 working days of receipt of review, whichever is sooner: you must submit your corrected application to the CoC in e-snaps.
Before submitting an application, check the Submission Summary to make sure ALL sections have been completed.USE THE GUIDES AND DETAILED INSTRUCTIONS. These documents will provide you with the information you need: Note that HUD has yet to post the 2023 instructions and guides but they should be available soon.First-time renewals will need to set up the application. Use the information from the new project application that was submitted last year.Other renewals will be able to import information from prior year application.
Additionally DMA will follow up with a Tips Guide early next week. In the meantime, more information about the FY2023 CoC NOFO was included in the presentation held on 7/24/23. The slides are attached to this email and you can access the presentation here: Zoom Recording, Passcode: 51t4M+q&.
If you have any questions or have concerns, please email us at
Christy Rubenstein, Senior Associate, Diana T. Myers & Associates, CoC Consultants to ODFC
Lindsay Fabrizio, Manager, Opening Doors Fairfield County (ODFC) & CT 503 CoC, The Housing Collective
Pam Ralston, Chief Development Officer, The Housing Collective
The FY 2023 CoC Program Funding Opportunity is now available in e-snaps. This means that agencies with renewal projects can begin to work on the renewal project application. Awards that HUD made under the CoC Program and YHDP are eligible for renewal with FY 2023 CoC Program funds if they are currently in operation and expire in CY 2024: the period from January 1, 2024 through December 31, 2024.
Agencies seeking to have renewal projects considered for FY2023 CoC Program funding MUST submit to the CT-503 CoC PDF(s) of each of your completed Renewal Project Application(s), exported from e-snaps, by 5:00PM on MONDAY, AUGUST 14, 2023. DO NOT SUBMIT THE APPLICATION ON E-SNAPS (YET).
PDF applications should be submitted to the CoC via as follows:
- Please use the following naming convention for the application file: 2023 Renewal App – Agency Name – Project PIN (CT0000)
- Please include the agency name and the Project PINs for the projects being submitted in the email Subject Line. For ex: 2023 Renewal App – Agency Name – Project PIN, Project PIN
If you need an extension, please email as soon as possible.
After you submit the renewal application for review:
- By September 5th: You will receive a project review form with required corrections. (You will likely receive your review sooner than this.)
- By September 12th or within 5 working days of receipt of review, whichever is sooner: you must submit your corrected application to the CoC in e-snaps.
- Before submitting an application, check the Submission Summary to make sure ALL sections have been completed.
- USE THE GUIDES AND DETAILED INSTRUCTIONS. These documents will provide you with the information you need: Note that HUD has yet to post the 2023 instructions and guides but they should be available soon.
- First-time renewals will need to set up the application. Use the information from the new project application that was submitted last year.
- Other renewals will be able to import information from prior year application.
More information about the FY2023 CoC NOFO was included in the presentation held on 7/24/23. The slides are attached to this email and you can access the presentation here: Zoom Recording, Passcode: 51t4M+q&.
If you have any questions or have concerns, please email us at